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Relax More, Stress Less

13th February 2022 @ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
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Meera Javed

Meera has been studying and teaching Raja Yoga for over 24 years. She is based in Langley, Berkshire.  Meera maintains a beautiful balance of personal discipline with a light and easy nature and shares with immense enthusiasm, the benefits she has gained through meditation.  She is a mother of four children and works full time as a teaching assistant.

Stress is a messenger, guiding us to a state of balance.

We will look at:

  • Ways to strengthen your ability to respond by understanding the true causes of stress
  • Turn resistance into acceptance and release creative energy
  • Apply effective daily tools and insights even whilst under pressure

You are welcome to attend in house at 99 Marine Parade, Worthing, BN11 3QF
Or, to join online, simply click the following link which will take you to Zoom
All times are in UK timing

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Date: 13th February 2022
Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Cost: Free
Event CategorySunday Talk
Event Tags:
Venue Name: Online
Organizer Name: Lighthouse Retreat Centre
Phone: +44 1903 820828