Guided Meditation – Online Evening Session

Guided Meditation – Online Evening Session

This is an on-line class with guided meditations based on Raja Yoga giving you the opportunity to a learn practices to develop a calm and peaceful mind. Discover the holistic healing power of meditation for inner peace, health and happiness. Make time for a meaningful space in your day, and reclaim your inner peace. To...

Reclaim Your Creative Self

Reclaim Your Creative Self

We may not be creative geniuses but we all have creative potential. In the past year have you been creatively busy? From baking bread to writing a book? Is it a real challenge to get inspired? If you have lost your creative spark – how to fire up your creativity? Can we rush the process?...

The Wisdom of Letting Go – healing resentment towards others

The Wisdom of Letting Go – healing resentment towards others

No one enjoys having a cluttered closet. The same is true for the mind that is holding many unnecessary memories. Today’s Talk will offer clear tools to step out of the past into a clear present with the ability to draw upon the wisdom learned. ‘Let’s Clear Out Our Closet to Make Way for the...

Guided Meditation Theme: Wisdom Challenge, Wisdom Keepers

Guided Meditation Theme: Wisdom Challenge, Wisdom Keepers

This is a drop-in class with guided meditations based on Raja Yoga giving you the opportunity to a learn practices to develop a calm and peaceful mind. Discover the holistic healing power of meditation for inner peace, health and happiness. Make time for a meaningful space in your day, and reclaim your inner peace. To...

Guided Meditation Theme: Wisdom Challenge, Wisdom Applied

Guided Meditation Theme: Wisdom Challenge, Wisdom Applied

This is a drop-in class with guided meditations based on Raja Yoga giving you the opportunity to a learn practices to develop a calm and peaceful mind. Discover the holistic healing power of meditation for inner peace, health and happiness. Make time for a meaningful space in your day, and reclaim your inner peace. To...

Guided Meditation Theme: Wisdom Challenge, Timeless Wisdom

Guided Meditation Theme: Wisdom Challenge, Timeless Wisdom

This is a drop-in class with guided meditations based on Raja Yoga giving you the opportunity to a learn practices to develop a calm and peaceful mind. Discover the holistic healing power of meditation for inner peace, health and happiness. Make time for a meaningful space in your day, and reclaim your inner peace. To...

Guided Meditation Theme: Wisdom Challenge, Wisdom from Within

Guided Meditation Theme: Wisdom Challenge, Wisdom from Within

This is a drop-in class with guided meditations based on Raja Yoga giving you the opportunity to a learn practices to develop a calm and peaceful mind. Discover the holistic healing power of meditation for inner peace, health and happiness. Make time for a meaningful space in your day, and reclaim your inner peace. To...

Guided Meditation Theme: Wisdom Challenge, Wise Responses

Guided Meditation Theme: Wisdom Challenge, Wise Responses

This is a drop-in class with guided meditations based on Raja Yoga giving you the opportunity to a learn practices to develop a calm and peaceful mind. Discover the holistic healing power of meditation for inner peace, health and happiness. Make time for a meaningful space in your day, and reclaim your inner peace. To...

Living Words Series | Shades of Peace

Living Words Series | Shades of Peace

Theme for 10th October 2020 Being Calm and Patient This event is open to individuals that have a regular practice of meditation and have completed at least one course at a Brahma Kumaris centre. Living Words is a short, online, facilitated dialogue series aimed at deepening our understanding of our own qualities and wisdom through...

Living Words Series | Shades of Peace

Living Words Series | Shades of Peace

Theme for 17th October 2020 Being Accepting & Tolerant This event is open to individuals that have a regular practice of meditation and have completed at least one course at a Brahma Kumaris centre. Living Words is a short, online, facilitated dialogue series aimed at deepening our understanding of our own qualities and wisdom through...

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