Raja Yoga Meditation Course – In house and online

Raja Yoga Meditation Course – In house and online

At the heart of the Brahma Kumaris teachings is the Foundation Course in Raja Yoga meditation.  This course provides a practical understanding of the relationship between spirit and matter, as well as an understanding of the interplay between souls, God and the material world. This is a 2-part series of classes held once-weekly on Fridays, starting...

Guided Meditation Theme: Powerful MINDS. Today: Power to Withdraw

Guided Meditation Theme: Powerful MINDS. Today: Power to Withdraw

This is a drop-in class with guided meditations based on Raja Yoga giving you the opportunity to a learn practices to develop a calm and peaceful mind. Discover the holistic healing power of meditation for inner peace, health and happiness. Make time for a meaningful space in your day, and reclaim your inner peace. To...