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Sunday Talk: Nurture Yourself Series | Part 1 – Feelings Buried Alive Never Die

1st August 2021 @ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
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Ash Patel

Ash Patel is a practitioner of Raja Yoga meditation and its teachings having experienced profound self realisations through his journey.  It has helped him to apply its practical teachings across all  aspects of his life and to deal with challenges by learning about the self and the power of the mind. One of his interests lies in working with young leaders to develop inner leadership principles in a practical and meaningful way and he has facilitated classes, workshops and retreats over the last 15 years both within the UK and internationally.

The Nurture Yourself Series is all about our health and well being. It explore different dimensions of our emotional and mental health including healing practices and lifestyle habits that can nurture our beings to live with  resilience and empowerment.

Part 1 – Feelings Buried Alive Never Die

Most of the suffering that we experience in our lives is due to trapped emotions and emotional baggage that we carry from past memories. Those energies stay with us, grow and disrupt our lives, our bodies and our relationships. They can cause disease and self-sabotage and ultimately drain us of our happiness and inner strength.

Join us to explore the pathway between our emotions and our health and discover the depth of healing and the value of heart cleansing to experience freedom from these memories and patterns of behaviour, in order to restore us to our true nature.

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Date: 1st August 2021
Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Cost: Free
Event CategorySunday Talk
Venue Name: Online
Organizer Name: Lighthouse Retreat Centre
Phone: +44 1903 820828