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The ‘Difficult’ Series with Mike George – Dealing with Difficult RELATIONSHIPS

24th July 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
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Mike George

Mike George is an author of 16 books focussed on self awareness and spiritual intelligence.  He works with people of all ages and backgrounds helping them to be more aware of what to change and how to make those changes to their life experience.

Practical ways to repair and build effective relationships

We all have a difficult person in our life.  Sometimes more than one!   Why have they entered our life?  How are we to interact more effectively?  Why exactly do we decide someone is difficult?  How would we know if we are difficult for some others?  Some tools for our Relationship Repair Kit.

Click here   to book and receive Zoom login details for all three sessions

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Date: 24th July 2021
Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Cost: Free
Event CategoryTalk
Venue Name: Online
Organizer Name: Manchester Inner Space
Phone: 0161 834 8016