A conversation contributing to London Climate Action Week
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is Additional Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris, an international NGO, and a spiritual leader and teacher. For over 50 years, she has dedicated her life to self-transformation and service to humanity. Sister Jayanti has championed the co-operative role of spiritual organisations in creating a just and peaceful world. She has brought spiritual principles to the discussion tables of politicians, economists, business leaders, scientists and nearly every stakeholder of our times. Sister Jayanti sees the erosion of spiritual values as the underlying cause of the crises that the world is facing today.
is an environmentalist, intellectual and activist from India, who has worked in a wide range of different fields inspiring change globally. Her activism is rooted in promoting counter-development and supporting grassroots networks, women’s rights and ecology. As the author of numerous important books and articles, Shiva has shown a lifetime interest in campaigning against genetic engineering and the negative impacts of globalisation, advocating for the crucial importance of preserving and celebrating biodiversity.
A conversation contributing to London Climate Action Week
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