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Online Only – Putting Values into Practice and Meditation for the World

19th February 2026 @ 10:15 am - 11:15 am
Event Series Event Series: Online Only – 365 Days of Wisdom

We are following Dadi Janki’s Book on 365 Days of Wisdom.  

Each week we start with meditation and reflect on a value to practise for a week, we then finish with spreading peaceful vibrations for the world.  All are welcome!

All talks and  guided meditations are based on the study of Raja Yoga giving you the opportunity to a learn practices to develop a calm and peaceful mind.

Discover the holistic healing power of meditation for inner peace, health and happiness. Make time for a meaningful space in your day, and reclaim your inner peace and spiritual power.

To join the online zoom session please click the “join zoom meeting” button below. Timings are GMT

Join Zoom
Date: 19th February 2026
Time: 10:15 am - 11:15 am
Cost: Free
Venue Name: Online
Organizer Name: Lighthouse Retreat Centre
Phone: +44 1903 820828